Wednesday 14 January 2009

the high cost of living

Bugünlerde Delirium Endless ile ilgili birşeyler yazasım var nedense sürekli. Sandman hastalığım yıllar sonra yeniden depreşti bile denebilir.

Endless ailesi içinde cinsiyetlerine bağlı olarak genelde insanların favorisi Dream ya da Death'tir. Death kadar süper bir karakteri sevmemek elde değil tabii ki, ama ben her zaman Delirium (ya da Delight) Endless'i daha çok sevmişimdir, hatta gayet klişe bir şekilde kendimle bile özdeşleştiriyorum bazen.

Delirium: The youngest of the Endless, Delirium appears as a young girl whose form changes the most frequently of any of the Endless, based on the random fluctuations of her temperament. She has wild multicolored hair and eccentric, mismatched clothes. Her only permanent physical characteristic is that one of her eyes is green with silver flecks and the other blue, but even those sometimes switch between left and right. She was once known as Delight, but some traumatic event caused her to change into her current role. Her symbol is an abstract, shapeless blob of colors. Her speech is portrayed in standard graphic novel block-caps, characterized by wavy, unpredictable orientation and a gradient background.

She is scatterbrained and easily distracted; she often forgets the thread of her conversations, and comes out with offbeat and seemingly inconsequential observations. Very occasionally she is able, with an effort, to become more controlled in thought and speech, at which point her speech is drawn more neatly and the background fades to near-white. This effort, as she says later, causes her pain.

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