Saturday, 9 February 2008

thou shall have no other gods before me

02:40'tan başlayan ilk hikayeyi izlemelisiniz sevgili Adam Brody hayranları. Youtube, dailymotion ve türevi sitelerde telif hakları nedeniyle videoyu bulamamış olduğumdan, youtube'un Çin çakması olduğunu tahmin ettiğim bir sitede bulduğumu koyuyorum. Link verdim, gidin bakın.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

countdown to the disappointment, i'm yours tonight

You're very kind and very sweet. You're my favorite person.

i’m a little scared to hold you close
cause i just might never ever let you go
caught up in your smile
i’m happy as a child
but i’m still drowning
drowning in your love

your heart cares for nothing in return
and i’m just taking
taking you in.

** I totally aced the interview today.

Monday, 4 February 2008

love me if you dare

here we go
they're back again
look alive, warn your friends
we are warm and we are safe
enjoy it while you can before things change
we have got to take cover, brother

I've been listening to The Organ-Brother for the 12th time tonight. This song always reminds me of the same thing. Two lovers are in a room, they're looking at each other, unsure of what to do. They're both wondering if they're brave enough to make the first move, both scared of how much they might mean to each other, both afraid of getting hurt and terrified of falling in love. And in the background, it's Brother. We have got to take cover. The lovers build up their guards, they let the moment pass. The spark is gone. They take cover. They'll never get hurt. They'll never be happy together. They'll never share anything. They look at one another for one last time, and walk away. They're safe, but lonely.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

run quick, they're behind us

I once had a friend called Helena. To me, she was the beginning of everything. We instantly connected after she found me. We talked for hours about anything and drunk-dialed each other every once in a while. We did everything together. She would stay at my house for a week and I'd stay at hers the next. It was like we were addicted to each other. I needed her, feeling like my heart was going to explode if I didn't talk to her for a few hours. The more time we spent together, the more we became alike. It was getting harder to draw the line between her and me.
I was obsessed with her. There were times when I looked inside myself and couldn't be sure whether my thoughts even belonged to me or not. Looking back now, I can see they mostly belonged to her. She had completely taken over me. Our friendship lasted only for 4 months, and after she was gone, I was devastated. It's been 3 years and no one could replace her. I'll never recover from this.

your eyes tell the stories of a day you wish you could
recall the moments that once have
retrack the footsteps that brought us to this favor
i wouldn't ask this of you

good eye, sniper
i shoot, you run
the words you scribbled on the walls
the loss of friends you didn't have
i called you and the time is right
are you in or are you out?

bye bye beautiful
don't bother to write
disturbed by your words and they're calling all cars
face step, let down. face step, step down.

we have got to take cover, brother

The L Word Season 2 Bölüm Bilmemkaç,Carmen ve Shane hanfendilerin öpüşme sahnesi ve fonda The Organ-Brother.

Sabah 9.30'da çılgın bir başağrısı ile uyandıktan sonra içime aniden gelen bir istekle bilgisayarı açıp The L Word izlemeye başladım. İlerleyen 6 saat boyunca aralıksız devam ettiğim dizi maratonundan kendimi zorla uzaklaştırmayı başarıp kuaföre gittim. Aslında dip boyası amacıyla gitmiş olduğum kuaförümün saçlarımın içine etmesi nedeniyle kahverengi boyatıp erkek modu kısacık kestirmeye bağıra çağıra ağlayarak karar vermiştim ki; beni sakinleştirmeye çalışan ve sinir krizimden son derece korkmuş olan zavallı adamcağızın ikna çabaları sayesinde 4 saat sonra sapsarı ve gayet kısa saçlarla çıktım.

Yarın İstanbul'a gidiyorum.
-Her yüzün tanıdık olmadığı bir şehirde olmayı,
-Yemek, dvd, alışveriş gibi herşeyi internet üzerinden yapmayı,
-Kendi evimde tek başıma kafamı dinleyebilmeyi,
-Her yere gayet kolay ve kısa sürede ulaşabileceğim bir yerde oturuyor olmayı,
-Bağdat Caddesi'ni,
-Gece istediğim saatte istediğim yere gidip istediğim zaman dönebilmeyi,
-Yatağımı ve Digiturk'ümü,
-Okulumun sarı otobüslerini,
-Hatta galiba okulumun kendisini,
-Kış olduğunu fark edebileceğim kadar soğuk olabilen bir şehirde olmayı,
-Yerde basacak yer kalmayıncaya kadar odamı dağıtabilmeyi,
-Bir sürü potansiyel olmasını seviyorum. Evet bu nedenler yüzünden İstanbul'u seviyorum.

oh, where does it end?
sometimes it hurts when you care about me
but it's going to hurt more when they take you away from me
we have got to take cover, brother
we have got to take cover, brother