Sunday 1 February 2009

least likely

I don't give a fuck whose idea it was. You took part. You manipulated my emotions, you used me,
and you humiliated me, and you've got to be fucking insane thinking you could just prance in here, act as if nothing ever happened, tell me that you're happy, tell me that you're out of the closet, tell me that you're 'oh so sorry' for destroying my fucking life. Fuck you.

Son sahne mükemmel gerçekten de, Helena'nın Dylan'ın ağzına sıçış sahnesi. Hatta sonraki o "Fuck you!" tonlaması beni benden aldı gerçekten, ve Dylan'ın yüz ifadesi, geri sıçraması falan. Dylena kesinlikle favori çiftim bu sezon (Shenny'le kapışır hale geldiler benim için şu andan sonra).

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