Thursday 11 December 2008

better know your hanky code tonight

Better know your hanky code,
Before you go and shoot your load.

Excuse me, what's that hanging out of your pocket?
Do you actually know what that means?
Are you a left?
Or are you a right?
Or are you switching,
Just for tonight,
I don't even know all the codes,
But baby you better find out before you go.

Herşeyi anlayabiliyorum ama 2-handed fistee? Seriously? Fisting'e diyecek bir lafım yok ama 2-handed'e ne gerek var? Ve menstruating women? Fuckin hell.


pk. said...

şahane bişeymiş bu. thanks for sharing. teddy bear'e geldiğimde koptum ama, toothbrush mükemmel.

zerofeelings said...

evet yanımda teddybear ya da teddybear desenli fularla gezmeyi planlıyorum bundan sonra :) i <3 cuddles