Tuesday 23 September 2008

no beach party for me tonight

Went to the Beach Party and saw the queue which was about 2 miles long. Then we decided to head back to Mungo's for a drink. "A drink" turned out to be 3 drinks, I owe Beth 10 quid, and Jamie a Snakebite.

I met some freshers, joined them for a fag, then we went back to the Venue about an hour later. They wouldn't let me in as I hadn't registered and didn't have my school ID. I came back home, and didn't get lost for the first time in the last 3 days. I should buy myself a Snakebite for that.

Oh, the Snakebite. Apparently it's some cocktail with some juice+cider+beer. It's quite the student drink, getting you drunk easily and quickly. I'm not very keen on beer myself but I must admit beer tasted awful after 2 snakebites last night, I could swear I felt something was missing. It's a nice drink, anyways.

I have to register with the police because I'm from some third world country and actually might turn out to be some Islamic terrorist working her way on some sort of jihad. So I have to register tomorrow or I might get into some serious trouble. I seriously hate being a Turkish citizen sometimes.

I bought 70 pounds worth groceries today, and guess what, the only thing that they failed to deliver was a fucking duvet. Seriously, if luck has anything to do with it, then whoever the hell is controlling it must be having a good laugh at me for the last few days. I need my bloody duvet, I've been freezing for the last 3 nights. I miss my home in Istanbul and actually I've been thinking what the fuck was wrong with me to decide to leave everything and move here in the first place.

I have loads of things I need to do tomorrow and I don't feel up to it *at all*. The bank account. The SIM card. Registration. Bollocks, I'll just go to sleep.

1 comment:

fakeflakegirl said...

''actually might turn out to be some Islamic terrorist working her way on some sort of jihad''
ahaahha alemsin kızım ya