Sunday 4 May 2008

hitler went to heaven because there is no other place to go

I only want to love you. It's not because I need to, but because I want to. To me, you are perfect, and you deserve all my love. In my eyes, you can do no wrong, and to love you is something I have to, need to and want to do. I will always be with you. I will only be a breath away when you whisper my name. I will be everything you need, a helper in your times of need, a friend when you need a shoulder to cry on, a guide when you need advice and always your lover. I will never refuse when you call. And even if you refuse, I will always be within your reach. I cannot leave you because of my promise. I swore by the rainbows after the rain, to never get angry at you no matter what you've done, what you do and what you will do. You will always be perfect to me. You deserve only the best. I am delighted in you, and my love pours out to you and those around you. I want to help you. I want to make all the wrongs in your life right. I will give you only the best and hold you dear, apart from everyone else, because you are special to me. I don't need anything from you. I just want you to be happy, always. Whatever your weaknesses or mistakes, they don't bother me. Because I can see deep inside your soul and I know. I know, so I don't and will never ask. You can only do one thing for me. What makes me happy is for you to let me love you, to see you at peace, happy, whole and complete. Let my love do this for you. Let me make you happy. Always. People will say things about you, bad things will happen around you, your feelings of depression, doubt, insecurity and worry will surround you, but I will never let them come near you.

I will not leave you, I cannot leave you, for you are my creation and my product, my daughter and my son, my purpose and my... Self. Call on me, therefore, wherever and whenever you are separate from the peace that I am. I will be there. With Truth. And Light. And Love.

Neale Donald Walsch'un Conversations with God kitabının ona ihtiyacınız olduğu zaman hayatınıza girdiğine dair bir rivayet varmış. Doğru mudur bilemiyorum, ama hayat grafiğimin en düşüşe geçip dibe vurmuş döneminde televizyonu açıp Conversations with God'ın filminin yeni başladığını görmem, Cuma sabahından itibaren hayatıma giren ve yıllardır tanıdığım çok yakın arkadaşlarımın bile yapamadığı şekilde beni çok mutlu eden 3 insan, Perşembe gecesi ve öncesinin tamamen kafamdan silinmiş oluşu, Kurtulacaksın Hissim'i aradığımı buraya yazmamın ertesi günü bana hayatımda ilk kez yalnız olmadığımı hissettiren biriyle tanışmam bence tesadüf olamaz. Tanrı ya da benden çok daha büyük bir enerji, ya da belki eşzamanlılık, ne bilmiyorum, ama tesadüf değil.

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