Thursday 28 August 2008

the final letter to isobel

For the past year you've been what my life's all about. You're everything I talk and think about, everything I do and everything I live for. It sucks that you have no idea and it sucks even more to know that even if you had known, nothing would've changed. The distance between us, all those miles and months, all the chances we lost, all those opportunities, they'll never come back. Finally I need to accept the fact that I'll never be able to turn back the time and even though I regret those things with all of my existence, I have done them and I have to suffer the consequences. At last I have to suffer you gladly, I suffer you gladly. I'm sorry for everything I've done, I know you never deserved any of it. I know I had it coming and I don't blame you at all. I believe in fate and I know one day we'll meet again. One day everything in the whole world will be perfect for the both of us. I love you more than everyone could ever do. I seriously love you with my entire being. So take care and I know everything will be okay.

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